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The SHRM Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). The Foundation is a legally separate organization, and is not funded by SHRM membership dues.

The SHRM Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors from the HR profession, including academics, practitioners and representatives from SHRM.

SHRM Foundation Vision: The SHRM Foundation is the globally recognized catalyst for shaping human resource thought leadership and research.

SHRM Foundation Mission:  The SHRM Foundation advances global human capital knowledge and practice by providing thought leadership and educational support, and sponsoring, funding and driving the adoption of cutting-edge, actionable, evidence-based research.

SHRM Foundation Work:

  • Strategic thought leadership initiative. The SHRM Foundation is conducting a multi-phase program to identify and analyze critical trends likely to impact the workplace in 5-10 years. More information.
  • Innovative academic research grants. The SHRM Foundation is a leading funder of HR research. Over the past three years, the SHRM Foundation has awarded more than $1.8 million in grants to fund rigorous, original academic research with practical implications for HR management practice.
  • Scholarships. The SHRM Foundation awards $170,000 annually in education and certification scholarships to professional and student SHRM members, and doctoral students.
  • Educational resources. The SHRM Foundation’s Effective Practice Guidelines series makes research findings easily accessible to HR practitioners. The Foundation has also created a series of educational DVDs for SHRM chapter programming, staff trainings, and executive education sessions.

The SHRM Foundation is grateful for the generous support of its major donors, the HR Certification Institute and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

To fund its programs, the SHRM Foundation conducts an annual fundraising campaign. The Foundation recognizes the generous support of the SHRM chapters and state councils, individuals, corporations and others who make its work possible.

Your financial support is vital to ensure that the SHRM Foundation can continue this important work. Donate today!

For more information, please visit the SHRM Foundation website here.

SHRM Foundation Best Practices:

Develop and implement (or maintain) a campaign to educate chapter members about the mission and work of the SHRM Foundation which could include tactics such as:

  • Promote the SHRM Foundation in chapter newsletters, e-mails, and/or on chapter web site
  • Request SHRM Foundation materials (e.g., annual campaign brochure, latest educational products, etc.) from the SHRM Foundation staff; make these available at chapter meetings
  • Make a presentation about the SHRM Foundation at a chapter meeting (PowerPoint template available at
  • Use the SHRM Foundation’s educational DVDs in a chapter program (companion PowerPoint presentation and discussion guide are available at—Note: These are preapproved for re-certification credit!
  • Highlight the availability of the Effective Practice Guidelines series (available for free download at, or contact SHRM Foundation staff for printed copies).
  • Promote the SHRM Foundation’s scholarship programs to chapter members. The application due date for SHRM professional members is July 15 and for student members is October 15.

Provide support to the SHRM Foundation by embarking upon an awareness campaign to increase monetary donations as follows:

  • Make a monetary contribution to the SHRM Foundation from the chapter’s funds.
  • Conduct a leadership campaign encouraging giving by each member of the chapter’s board of directors.
  • Encourage chapter members to include the SHRM Foundation in their personal charitable giving.


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