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2024 Sponsorship Partner Program

Employers of all sizes and across all employment sectors rely on Human Resource professionals in some aspect of their business. From the traditional areas of employment law, compensation and benefits, to strategic planning, training, and recruitment, Human Resources is an invaluable and critical part of any business. The El Paso Society for Human Resource Management (El Paso SHRM) supports HR professionals with professional development, education, recertification credits, and networking opportunities that promote growth and expanded knowledge.  These opportunities are not only available to HR professionals, but also to People Managers seeking to expand their knowledge of relevant HR, leadership, and management topics.

As an organization looking to promote your services and grow your business, please know that El Paso SHRM has diverse ways to reach your target market. HR professionals in the El Paso, Texas region are making buying decisions every day for products and services. You now have a unique opportunity to promote your business and services by becoming a Sponsorship Partner with El Paso SHRM.  We are now introducing ways for you to advertise with us by listing your organization at our sponsor membership meetings, speaking opportunities at our meetings, or sharing your logo on our communication materials.  

Invest your marketing dollars wisely and advertise directly to the clients you need through five uniquely tailored partnerships.  The following page gives you all the details and benefits. Join the partnership today! Visit for more information or email the 2024 President, Diana Alvarez at or the 2024 Treasurer, Jonathan Wagner at Thank you for your consideration and support - we look forward to your partnership!

• EPSHRM is a nationally recognized Superior Merit Chapter and recipient of the 2018 SHRM Excel Platinum Award.

• EPSHRM has been serving the HR community since 1954.

• There are currently 250+ members, representing employers across all industries.

• Monthly luncheon programs and seminars feature world-class national and local speakers and attract up to 100+ attendees.


2024 Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Sponsor - $10,000.00

  • A sponsor of 2024 EPSHRM Jan Kickoff & Annual Membership Appreciation Event to be held in June 2024.
  • Prominent recruiting table set-up at EPSHRM job fair in July 2024.
  • Special Recognition at podium & talk-time for (1) one chosen Legal Seminar (April or September 2024);
  • Company signage may be displayed in reception area;
  • Full-screen company logo or advertisement on event jumbo screens;
  • Preferred location for table for 8 (admission included) with  name displayed on table and advertisements for the January Kickoff Event;
  • Company name included in event collateral (press releases, advertisements, social media)
  • Your organization’s logo placed on the homepage of the website;
  • Two (2) complimentary luncheon tickets at each regular monthly meeting (Feb, March, May, July, Aug, Oct & Nov).
  • Featured as a Platinum Sponsor on EPSHRM website and biweekly eBlast email to members; and
  •  Standing monthly column in the EPSHRM Membership E-Blast, an e-mail received by all EPSHRM Members.
Star Partner - $7,500.00
  • A Star Partner Sponsor Table Sponsor Table (8 seats) and informational table set-up at two (2) Membership Meetings with podium time at each meeting not to exceed 5 minutes
  • Your organization’s logo printed on all eBlast News Bulletins (an e-mail received by all El Paso SHRM Members twice a month);
  • Your organization’s logo placed on the homepage of the website;
  • Your organization’s logo on all New Member Communication Materials;
  • An advertisement in two (2) EPSHRM eBlast News Bulletins throughout the year; and
  • Guest speaker opportunity during one (1) regular monthly membership meeting with up to two (2) complimentary luncheon tickets.
El Paso Sun City Partner - $5,000.00
  • Featured as an El Paso Sun City Sponsor Table (8 seats) and informational table set-up at one (1) Membership Meeting with podium time not to exceed 5 minutes;
  • Your organization’s logo placed on the homepage of the website;
  • An advertisement in two (2) EPSHRM eBlast News Bulletins during the year; and
  • Your organization’s logo on all New Member Communication Materials.
Rio Grande Partner - $2,500.00
  • A Rio Grande Partner Sponsor Table (8 seats) and informational table set-up at one (1) Membership Meeting with podium time not to exceed 5 minutes;
  • Your organization’s logo placed on the homepage of the website; and
  • An advertisement in one (1) EPSHRM eBlast News Bulletin during the year.
Monthly Partner - $1,000.00
  • Informational table set-up at one (1) membership meeting;
  • Podium time not to exceed 5 minutes; and
  • Two (2) complimentary luncheon tickets for the day of the sponsorship.
  • Your organization's logo on advertising communications for the event.
In-Kind Donations - Varies
  • In-Kind Donations of goods or services
  • El Paso SHRM conducts raffles at our events to raise money for the SHRM Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to research and support of the HR profession.
  • Please consider donating a gift (minimum $50 value). Donations include products and services of all types including gift cards, tickets to local events, gift baskets, etc.
  • Will be recognized at the event by business name and in event collateral (press releases, advertisements, social media)
Promotional E-Blasts - $250.00
  • El Paso SHRM will send your advertising/marketing message to a distribution list of 300+addresses


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